Project Description

Jessica Geller
Principal, P.S. 166 Henry Gradstein
Queens, New York
Jessica Geller began her career as an educator at PS 166 in Long Island City, Queens in 2002. Before becoming the Principal in March 2012, she was a classroom teacher, an ENL service provider and an Assistant Principal. Ms. Geller believes that all children can learn, and her focus is on the whole child. She takes great pride in her partnership with the PTA, which allows for comprehensive enrichment programming for all students.
As the daughter of two NYC DoE teachers, Jessica was raised to appreciate the importance of education. She received her Bachelor’s Degree in English from Penn State University, a Master's Degree from Hofstra University in Elementary Education and a second Master’s Degree from Baruch College in Educational Administration.
Since becoming Principal of PS 166Q, the school has been recognized as an NYC Model School for Dual Language, an NYC Showcase School for Dual Language, a 2015-16 NYS Reward School and an NYS Recognition School for the 2018-19 and 2019-20 school years. Jessica attributes the school’s success to the dedication and teamwork of the staff at PS 166Q.

Anastasia Smith
English Teacher, P.S. 166 Henry Gradstein
Queens, New York
Anastasia Smith is an energetic, light-hearted, dedicated educator within the New York City Department of Education. Being the product of the New York public school system herself, it’s very poetic that she took her talents to the public-school system in Queens. She is currently the ENL teacher at P.S. 166, where she has been for the last nine years. She has been working with children ever since switching careers from human resources to teaching over ten years ago. She loves children and motivates them to do their best.
Anastasia received a Bachelor of Science in International Business from Fairfield University, Master of Science in Childhood Education and TESOL from St. John’s University, and an Advanced Certificate in Building and District Leadership from the College of Saint Rose. She considers herself a constant learner and hopes to one day receive a Doctorate in education to further her knowledge of educational leadership.