Fellow & Ally Study Summits

In their capacity as Cahn Fellows and Allies, school leaders are asked to identify a leadership challenge they are facing in their schools which they believe, when effectively addressed, will have a positive impact on student achievement, school culture and/school leadership capacity, as well as a positive impact on their own leadership potential. Each year, Fellows and Allies are asked to independently choose their leadership challenge and engage their school community in the change process.

Throughout the year Fellows and Allies convene in collaborative teams on multiple days across cities where they have opportunities to learn from their peers, expand their leadership skills and enhance their knowledge. Each group is led by a Cahn Alumni Advisor and a member of the Teachers College Faculty.

Study groups focus on topics that include:

  • building trust in the school community,
  • adult development and teacher leadership,
  • meeting the needs of diverse learners,
  • improving on the communication of the school’s mission and vision,
  • closing the achievement gap,
  • diversity and equity, and
  • school culture.