Leadership Challenges

The focus on authentic challenges and measurable results within the Cahn Professional Development Model allows our Fellows and their Allies to more readily apply academic research to practice and take an active approach to their learning.

Once their problem of practice has been identified, the Fellows are asked the following questions:

  • What evidence can you point to that the challenge exists? What are the present-day indicators?
  • Why do you think this challenge exists? Potential hypotheses?
  • If you were successful in addressing your challenge, what changes would you observe in your school? What would visitors to your school see?
  • How is this work impacting or changing me as a school leader?

Fellows and their Allies are asked to set qualitative and quantitative benchmarks to help them measure their progress against their stated challenge throughout the school year and to submit a self-reflection at key points during the year. To successfully complete the program Fellows and Allies present their findings at our Annual Leadership Conference and submit a final narrative report detailing their yearlong work.