Project Description

Jamie Lofaro

Jamie Lofaro

Cahn Fellow 2018

Principal, Career Education Center Early College

Denver, Colorado

Jamie Lofaro is completing her first year as the principal at The Career Education Center Early College in Denver. CEC is the flagship Career and Technical Education institution in the Denver Public Schools, housing 22 career pathways, 9 of which grant concurrent enrollment credit. Prior to leading CEC, Jamie served for five years as the principal at PREP Academy, a school for high-risk and expelled youth. While at PREP, she re-designed the school structure by introducing a school-wide social-emotional curriculum and hired teachers that had the highest academic standards for students. The school was removed from the state’s academic watch list while under her leadership. Jamie received her Bachelor of Science degree from Ithaca College. She earned two Master’s degrees, one from the University of Northern Colorado, the other from the University of Phoenix.

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