Annual Leadership Conference
The Cahn Fellows Annual Leadership Conference will be scheduled when it is safe to both travel and bring educators from all over the country together.
The goal of the conference is to provide an opportunity for both our current Cohorts and our incoming Cohorts to convene and share final project presentations. The conference highlights the yearlong inquiry cycle of our Distinguished Principals and their Allies from partner school districts.
Fellows and Allies will present their research, evidence and outcomes from the lens of their leadership journey. Links to past presentations can be found on our Leadership Presentations web page.
Leadership programs that support participants in networking successfully help to reduce isolation and increase resources and support in the future. These are clear advantages for program alums after the end of the formal gatherings, into the near-term as they sustain changes, and later into their future careers.
Things that set Cahn apart from other leadership programs are clearly strengths in our Strategic Plan: building on networking and the focus on looking inward for leadership in order to lead outward.
We will increase our investment in our alumni to help them continue learning and networking and to use their leverage to engage other alumni. The Cahn Fellows Programs remains unique in the pursuit of developing further courses for alums based on our participants’ desire to extend their experience.
Learn more about networking highlights from 2018 and 2019 below.