Project Description

Alene Mason

Alene Mason

Cahn Fellow 2018

Principal, Scott Joplin Elementary School

Chicago, Illinois

Alene Mason has served as principal of Scott Joplin Elementary School in Chicago, IL since 2008. Her career in education is fueled by her vision to help transform and change the lives of others. Mason received a Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Actuary Science from University of Illinois in Champaign Urbana. She received a Masters of Arts from both from Saint Xavier University in Elementary Education and Concordia University in School Leadership. Her unique background in computer engineering sparks her creativity and innovation, which can be seen in her collaborative leadership. She serves as a principal leader for both the Chief Education Officer Principal Advisory Council (PAC) and the Chicago Public School District Principal Procurement Advisory Council (PPAC). Mason believes that ALL children can learn given the proper resources and the opportunity.

Mason’s theme this year tells her story:

The Year of Believing & Pushing CHAMPIONS Toward Excellence!!! #NO LIMITS

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