Project Description

Moises Ortiz

Moisés Ortiz

Cahn Fellow 2019

Principal, Sidney Lanier High School

San Antonio, Texas

Moisés Ortiz is a life-long educator committed to developing PK-12 socially-just public schools. His tenure has earned him the moniker "The Fixer", after successfully uniting the professional learning communities of the two middle schools and two high schools he has led as principal, out of state and federal unacceptable accountability status within one school year. His perspective on education is simple and stems from what his parents ingrained in both his brother and him, "la educación abre puertas y reautoriza vidas" (education opens doors and reauthorizes lives). He earned his B.A. and M.Ed. from Trinity University and completed his doctoral studies in Educational Policy and Planning from the University of Texas at Austin. Dr. Ortiz is committed to mentoring future principals and will continue his educational improvement quest as he accepts the 2019-2020 principalship of his 5th urban core turn-around school.

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